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Chideock WI is affiliated to Dorset Federation of Womens' Institutes (DFWI) who issue 9 Newsletters each year (both hard copy and digital are available), run courses, arrange competitions and visits.  They also provide us with advice, should we need it.


Our parent body is The National Federation of Womens' Institutes (NFWI).  It was established in 1915 to ensure that women are able to take an effective part in their community, to learn together, widen their horizons, improve and develop the quality of their lives and those of their communities and together influence local, national and international affairs on issues that matter to members.  All members receive a monthly copy of WI Life, a magazine published by NFWI.


Every year WIs all over the country have the opportunity to put forward Resolutions to be considered by NFWI who will choose a shortlist of four or five which will then go forward to be discussed by individual WIs. We have a meeting in  January when we discuss each Resolution in detail and then vote on the one we think should be taken to the NFWI AGM.  This meeting is a very impressive affair held in places like the Royal Albert Hall and the Bournemouth Conference Centre and it is attended by representatives of all the WIs in the UK.  In addition to the normal AGM business there will be one or two Resolutions which are discussed in detail with speakers for and against each one before voting takes place.  The Resolution that is adopted will then form the basis of a WI campaign.


Over the last 100 years, WI members have campaigned on an incredible range of issues, increasing public awareness and bringing about real change.  More information can be found at


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